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Premium Package for Premium Services Premium Package for Premium ServicesPremium Package for Premium Services

24 July 2013

Alaris Labs, a vendor of topline telecom solutions, opens new horizons for its clients offering them advanced premium-level support. The company launched its enhanced customer care package in July, 2013, addressing the whole range of considerations received from the clients. The new service with a self-explanatory name ‘Premium’ is available for all Alaris Labs products.

‘Premium’ package implies 24x7 service availability, Helpdesk assisted interaction with customers, email and phone communications, but above all, the client is guaranteed a faster response to any request. Premium SLA stipulates response time shorter by a third than that in the standard package, for instance, only 2.5 hours for consultation requests against regular 4 hours.

To emphasize company concern about continues operation of customer systems Alaris Labs included into its premium service remote monitoring of the supplied solutions and hardware operability. Any problems associated with availability of the system or its components, or any abnormal load drop would instantly attract attention of Alaris Labs experts ensuring timely reaction and facilitating prompt regeneration. Constant tracking of system resource usage (CPU, RAM, disk space, etc.) enables proactive actions to prevent degradation of the carrier network due to poor server performance.

Other ‘Premium’ package options include priority in enhancement requests consideration and online training possibilities. By choosing premium level support services Alaris Labs clients opt for quickened evaluation and implementation of desirable features (development costs are stipulated separately). Moreover, once a year the company offers its ‘Premium’ customers a free online training on its solutions, which could prove particularly useful if the carrier, for instance, wishes to install a new release or hires a new employee unfamiliar with Alaris Labs products.

For more information about ‘Premium’ package please read Support Service Packages at Helpdesk or contact your manager at Alaris Labs.

About Alaris Labs
Alaris Labs is a leading developer of telecom carrier-grade solutions. The company offers billing & routing systems and business automation tools for wholesale interconnect and voice transit operations. The company flagship product is Alaris inVoice, a well-established sophisticated solution for those who seek extra efficiency in their everyday business activities. Alaris Labs offers its clients more than 10 years of technological and marketing industry expertise. Company website:

Alaris Labs

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